Former BJP chief M Venakaih Naidu said Congress was saying such things to divert the attention of people from the scams and scandals by them and indulge in "dirty propaganda" instead.
"I am happy that the RSS has decided to initiate legal action against the Congress party and its leaders for the slanderous campaign linking RSS with the murder of Mahatma Gandhi. All inquiry commissions have absolved the RSS of any role in this heinous act. Still the Congress leaders have been persistently continuing its scandalous campaign," he said.
Accusing the Congress and its leaders for "murdering" Mahatma Gandhi day in and day out by totally going against his principles, he said they are doing exactly the opposite of whatever the Mahatma stood for.
In Bangalore, RSS spokesperson Ram Madhav said that it has filed the complaint with the Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer against Rahul for his "malicious remarks that RSS people had shot Mahatma Gandhi dead".
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He also said the RSS would initiate legal action against Rahul in the next two days.
Addressing a rally in Thane district, Rahul had alleged that it was "RSS people" who had killed Mahatma Gandhi.
"RSS people killed Gandhiji and today their people (BJP) talk of him...They opposed Sardar Patel and Gandhiji," he had said.