Claiming that people are being charged extra Rs 19.49 per litre for petrol and Rs 15.11 per litre for diesel, the AICC also wanted the hike in excise duty effected since November last as well as the customs duty on petroleum products to be withdrawn.
The demand was made by Randeep Surjewala, in-charge of the AICC's communication department, in the wake of the government last night raising prices of petrol by Rs 3.31 per litre and that of diesel by Rs 2.71 per litre.
He said that the hikes are unfathomable on all accounts- especially owing to the fact that the Government and Oil Marketing Companies will be making a windfall gain amounting to more than Rs 2,30,000 crores even as the common man is made to pay.
Noting that the government has claimed that the sudden jump in the crude prices and the drop in the value of rupee vis-a-vis dollar had forced this step, he said "But this is not true at all."
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"This means that there has been a drop in the crude prices by as much as 34 per cent. When the prices reduce, the benefits should accrue to the common man, but the government reduced the prices of petrol by just 7 per cent and that of diesel by only 7.8 per cent", he said.
He recalled that diesel was being sold at Rs 56.71 /ltr when the BJP assumed office last year. Similarly petrol was being sold at Rs 71.41 per litre when the BJP formed the government last year.
"This means that even today, the middle class families are being charged Rs 19.49 per litre extra for petrol and Rs 15.11 per litre extra for diesel," he said, adding the hapless public is now left at the mercy of the government.