"BJP has played with the sentiments of farmers. Before the Lok Sabha and Haryana assembly polls, it made tall promises to them, but after coming to power, it has been taking anti-farmer decisions," Congress Legislature Party leader, Kiran Choudhary said.
Recently farmers in various parts of the state were forced to protest after they faced "urea shortage," she said while speaking on the Governors address in the state assembly.
"Before the elections, BJP used to tom-tom about implementing the recommendations of the Swaminathan Commission report, but developed cold feet later on. The government has betrayed the farmers," she charged.
"The BJP government has not spelt out any roadmap about the steps it intends to take to take the economy forward. The white paper should have found a mention in the Governor's address. It is a total state of confusion, the government has looked at entire episode with an ostrich-like attitude," she said.
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She further said that it was a matter of concern that the Food Corporation of India has decided not to procure wheat from Haryana, "but the government has not come out with an answer on how it intends to lift and move the produce".
She also slammed the government, saying its slogan of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas' is a "mere hollow slogan".
Taking strong objection of it, Haryana's Health Minister Anil Vij said, the present BJP government in the state will ensure equitable development of all 21 districts of Haryana "unlike during the previous Congress regime when only few areas witnessed development".
On Choudhary's remarks in connection with Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Vij hit back at her, saying "don't expect the mess created by you (Congress) during 60 years getting cleaned up in just 60 days".
"Don't speak in English. Haryana is a Hindi speaking state," Vij told her, prompting the former Minister to hit back at him, saying it is her right to speak in any language she wants to.