Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday alleged that the three opposition parties, including Congress and JMM, have forged an alliance to "loot" the mineral-rich Jharkhand and spread Naxalism in the state.
He further said that unlike some where "the family is the party" and they can not think beyond that, the BJP is committed to work for all the sections of the society.
The BJP's fire-brand leader's barb was directed at the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM), Congress and the RJD who have come together to take on the BJP in the ensuing elections for the 81-member Jharkhand assembly.
"They have joined hands only to loot mineral-rich state like Jharkhand, create chaos and play with the security of the people besides spreading naxalism," Adityanath alleged while addressing an election meeting here in support of the BJP candidate and sitting MLA Menka Sardar.
He alleged that the opposition parties have come together to divide the society on caste, language and regional lines.
"Where family is the only party, never expect anything from such people. Whenever they get an opportunity they would loot the mineral-rich Jharkhand," charged the UP CM.
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"The BJP is committed to working for the development of villages, the poor, farmers, the youth and all sections of the society. Therefore, our Yojanas are not driven in the name of any caste or individual," he said.
"The BJPs thought is if the nation remains secured, we all will stay secured," Adityanath said.
He charged the JMM, Congress and the RJD with being angry at the abrogation of Article 370 to make Jammu and Kashmir an integral part of the nation.
"When the entire country rejoiced following the scrapping of Article 370, the Congress, Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, RJD and Pakistan were angry. I would like to ask them, is Pakistan your well-wisher?