Addressing the gathering, former Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh said the Congress-led UPA government had given the farmers rights of their land but the BJP regime is reversing the measures.
It was in this village in Greater Noida from where Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi had started the party's protests in 2011 against farm land acquisition leading to the enactment of the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, many of whose measures have now been repealed by the ordinance.
The ordinance has given absolute power to the government, he said, and refuse to give any say to the villagers in the land acquisition process.
"We had taken away rights from district collectors and given them to you. The BJP government has again snatched them from you and given them to collectors," he told farmers. This is an atrocity against farmers and democracy as well, he said.