Congress leader in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury on Tuesday stoked a controversy as he sought to know from the government whether Jammu and Kashmir was an internal matter or a bilateral issue, saying the United Nations was monitoring the situation there since 1948.
Chowdhury's remarks drew sharp reactions from the treasury benches, with Home Minister Amit Shah asking whether this was the official stand of the Congress.
"I have a doubt because you say it is an internal matter. You bifurcated a state but my point is, how can this be an internal matter when the United Nations is monitoring it since 1948?
Chowdhury also said, "You have to tell whether this issue is bilateral or an international one."
On Chowdhury' remarks, Women and Child Welfare Minister Smriti Irani said, "You are an Indian. Speak in favour of India."
Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad too jumped in and asked, "Adhir ji, what are you saying?"
To this, Tewari said, "Everything cannot be black and white. There are 50 shades of grey in between."