"Congress played with the sentiments of the people of the country as well as J&K," BJP state spokesperson and state election media in-charge Arun Kumar Gupta said, slamming Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad for his statement yesterday that BJP is misleading the world since 1947.
He said that the Congress leader should check facts before giving any statement in public.
It is Congress which ruled India for more than 60 years after Independence and that means it misled people from the very beginning. In Jammu and Kashmir also, Congress was in power for almost two and a half decades, but did nothing for the development of state, he said.
He said that the people of the state have seen their real faces and that is why they threw them out during Lok sabha elections and will do the same in Assembly elections.
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Claiming that people wanted change, he said in these elections people will choose BJP to form the government.
Recalling that Mahatma Gandhi wanted to dissolve Congress after Independence, as is documented in 'The Collected works of Mahatma Gandhi- volume 90', the BJP spokesman said if Jawaharlal Nehru had listened to Gandhiji, then Congress would not have been in existence and India might have developed much more and become prosperous.
"The people have joined our hands in 'Congress Mukt Bharat' mission. BJP has government in seven states of India including full majority government at Centre and soon BJP will form the government in J&K for the first time," he said and predicted that Congress will become a sub-regional party after these elections.
Gupta also criticised the statement of Azad who blamed BJP for the recent terrorist violence in Kashmir saying this shows that Azad and his party is pro-separatist rather than blaming Pakistan whose involvement in terrorist attack has been proved beyond doubt.