Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Ram Chandra Khuntia (Cong) said the elderly were subject to neglect and the present pension amount of Rs 200 and Rs 500 for those above 60 and 80 years was inadequate and should be raised to Rs 2000.
He said that the life expectancy of people had increased but the aged were a vulnerable group especially in unorganised sector without any medical cover and hence they should be provided with pension without any discrimination of BPL or APL, he said.
Raising another issue, Naresh Chandra Agrawal (SP) said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh should hold a special meeting for the development of Uttar Pradesh.
"Now we have a new CM in UP and have raised the issue of development...We are not asking for any special package...We are not raising it as any political issue...At least a portion of revenue from UP should go to the state," he said.
He said there were no major projects for UP and it is high time that the government should be serious on it.
Tariq Anwar (NCP) demanded steps to conserve the bio-diversity of Mumbai coastline.