Prabhakar met Karimnagar Superintendent of Police V Shiva Kumar and lodged the complaint which seeks to link the youth's suicide to the comment made by Kiran over the Telangana Bill, a statement from the MP's office here said.
The youth took the extreme step as he was unable to digest the Chief Minister's remark in the Assembly that the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Bill, which envisages creation of Telangana state, should be returned to the Centre, he said.
P Rajkumar, a resident of Bellampalli town in adjoining Adilabad district (which falls under Telangana region), immolated himself on Sunday as he was apparently shocked and hurt by the Chief Minister's statement.
When contacted, the SP confirmed receiving the complaint.
"The incident took place in Adilabad district and therefore, I have referred the matter to Public Prosecutor there for his opinion. After the opinion is received, police will take necessary action," Kumar said.