Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Thursday said the opposition Congress, NCP and CPI(M) were facing a crisis of survival, and added that his government has done a "much better work" than the previous dispensation.
He was addressing an election rally at Dahanu for sitting BJP MLA Pascal Dhanare, who is seeking his re- election. CPI(M) candidate Vinod Nikole is in the fray against him.
"Look at the condition of Congress...It is a matter of question for me whether Congress leader Rahul Gandhi gives a speech to campaign for his own party or for the BJP. In his speech, he says that people have been facing hardships since the last 60 years. But he does not realise that it was his party that was at the helm of affairs for the maximum period," Fadnavis said.
NCP has been facing large-scale desertions, while the condition of CPI(M) has also become difficult as the people of West Bengal and Tripura have rejected that party, he said.
"Even the people of Dahanu will defeat the CPI(M) in this election...This is the end of CPI(M) in the country," he added.
The chief minister dared the Congress and NCP to show the work done by their government in the 15 years of its rule in the state before the BJP-Shiv Sena government came to power in 2014.
"I don't claim that all the problems in the state have been resolved, but we have done a much better work than the previous government," he said.