BJP, whose Prime Ministerial candidate Modi will fight Lok Sabha polls here and is expected to come next week, also said that Congress and its official and unofficial allies would have to answer the questions of the citizenry which has suffered from ten-year misrule of UPA government.
"Congress is doing a politics of fear and failure, while AAP and its leader are indulging in accusations and anarchy. Kejriwal may be capable of spinning dreams, but he cannot fulfil them," BJP spokesperson for Lok Sabha polls here, Nalin Kohli told reporters.
Kohli, however, deflected questions about Kejriwal's charge that Modi would leave Varanasi if he wins from Vadodara in Gujarat as well.
Launching BJP's official media campaign here, Kohli said Kejriwal should focus on his own issues rather than making such "illogical" predictions about BJP to remain in limelight.
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On repeated questions about the date of Modi's nomination, BJP said that the announcement with regard to Modi's visit would be made at an opportune time.
On Murli Manohar Joshi's reported comments about there being a BJP wave and not a Modi wave, he said that the party president Rajnath Singh has already made it clear that wave for BJP or Modi were same thing.
When asked about Kejriwal showing letters in public meetings about gas price hike demanded by Gujarat, Kohli said that AAP leader should also show letters about his office demanding a big bungalow in Delhi.
He also challenged Kejriwal for a direct debate based on facts and said BJP's position has been very clearly articulated on gas issues and AAP was misleading the public by mixing up various complex issues.
The party also dismissed apprehensions that BJP was getting over-confident about these elections, as was the case in 2004 Lok Sabha polls.
The party spokesperson, who has been camping here for the elections, said there were various issues including security aspects that need to be taken care of with regard to Modi's visit.
BJP leader also said that AAP was not at all serious in these polls and were only trying to hog limelight.