The party also wanted Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel to resign or sacked immediately to ensure a fair probe into the land deal involving associates of her daughter Anar.
"Shocking facts reveal that Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, as Chief Minister of Gujarat had sanctioned nepotism, conflict of interest and blatant plundering of public land to promote commercial and business interests of entities closely connected to Ms Anar Patel, daughter of the then Revenue Minister and present Chief Minister of Gujarat, Anandiben Patel", party's chief spokesman Randeep Surjewala told reporters.
"More so, notification of Government of Gujarat to not permit resorts within 2 Kms of 'Gir Lion Sanctuary', considering it an eco-sensitive zone, was violated with impunity.
"In addition, Revenue Department, then headed by Anandiben Patel permitted purchase of agricultural land by non-agriculturists as also 'change of land use' of agricultural land for profiteering and commercial exploitation," he said.
"We, therefore, demand that an SIT monitored by Supreme Court be established for a time bound probe in the entire matter. For a fair enquiry, Smt. Anandben Patel should resign or be sacked immediately.