Former Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Saturday said the Congress was prepared to face the bypolls to 15 assembly constituencies in Karnataka if elections happen as per schedule on December 5.
Amid speculation that state congress president may be changed, the congress legislature party leader said there was no such proposal as per his knowledge.
According to him, the party is ready for the bypolls and the candidate selection is in the final stage.
"If elections are held on December 5, we are prepared," Siddaramaiah asserted.
Speaking to reporters at Hubballi, he said the candidates would be announced after seeing what the Supreme Court decides on the question of disqualified MLAs.
Asked if bypolls will decide the BJP government's future in the state and will there be mid-term polls, Siddaramaiah said "it all depends on what the Supreme Court decides regarding the disqualified MLAs; lets see what court decides."