"Ajmer blast accused Bhavesh Patel has made a statement that the Home Minister and a former Chief Minister of the state, who is also a Congress general secretary, had asked him to name RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and Indresh Kumar in the blasts case," he told a rally here.
Singh's remarks came after Patel in a reported letter to the NIA special court claimed that Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde forced him to implicate Bhagwat and senior leader Indresh Kumar in the terror case.
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Maintainig that Patel's reported statement has exposed Congress, the BJP chief said, "People take recourse to lies when there is absence of truth."
Striking an imagery of the great Mahabharat war, Singh compared Congress with Kauravas, saying they will not be able to defeat the Pandavas, the BJP.
He said BJP had now become a "bigger party than Congress" and it will win 2013 Assembly polls in Madhya Pradesh and the general elections in 2014 irrespective of "how many lies Congress resorts to."
He also slammed the UPA government on the issue of corruption, price rise and internal security. Comparing the UPA's rule with six-years-rule of NDA, Singh said that while price rise was controlled during their government led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, it is growing now and "corruption has broken all records".