As Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to announce a policy for startup innovation, the AICC came out with six suggestions recognising the "immense value" of start ups in creating jobs.
Party leader Jairam Ramesh said that the suggestions were an example of the "constructive cooperation" being offered by the Congress to government at a time when the start ups appear the only "ray of hope" in the economy.
Besides net neutrality, the party also wanted government buildings, public universities and schools be allowed to provide office space with power, connectivity and basic IT infrastructure to act as incubator for start ups.
It also wanted the government to ease the patent registration process. This was necessary as the startups domiciled in India face severe difficulties in both registration and protection of their intellectual property.
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The party suggested that direct or indirect government funding of start ups should be restricted only to social sectors and not open to all sectors in an unrestricted manner.
Besides, it stressed that the National Skill Development Corporation be leveraged to meet the huge semi-skilled labour needs of start ups.
"As hubs of innovation and as job creators for India's aspirational youth, start ups have a huge role to play in the next phase of India's development. It is critical that they are provided all possible support by the government so they can truly achieve their potential," he had said.