Congress member and former Union Minister Jairam Ramesh said the project, which involves submergence of large areas and resettlement of lakhs of people, is not an easy one to implement and would require a "democratic, sensitive and humanistic" approach.
"This is an important commitment made by the erstwhile UPA government which has been continued by the present government. The continuity in policy reflects democratic politics," he said initiating a discussion on the bill in Rajya Sabha.
The previous government in a cabinet meeting on March 1 had decided on a third option that some mandals and villages of Telangana will be transfered to Seemandhra. However, an Ordinance in this regard could not be issued in view of elections and was left to the successive government, he said.
The third option was decided as Telangana had opposed the first option of transferring seven mandals, while Seemandhra had opposed second option of transferring some villages, he said.
Ramesh spoke in favour of the bill amid opposition from his party colleagues V Hanumantha Rao and Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu as also TRS member K Keshava Rao.
Taking strong objection to it, he said, "I do not need sermons from my colleagues from Telangana. This decision was taken in difficult circumstances. Please remember, the issue of Hyderabad was a litmus test for Telangana. For Andhra Pradesh, this project is an emotional issue.