Mumbai Congress chief Sanjay Nirupam told reporters that it was the party's way of protesting BJP-led state government's failure to keep its promise of holding the bhoomi-pujan on April 14.
"The state government had promised to perform bhoomi-pujan on April 14. However, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Prime Minister Narendra Modi postponed the event as they are touring abroad. We protest the delay, and are going to hold a symbolic ceremony in the presence of state Congress president Ashok Chavan," Nirupam said.
However, Nirupam said, the agreement had already been signed by the Congress-led UPA government and there was a demand that the Textile Undertakings Nationalisation Act-1995 be amended to get the land for the memorial. But this government did not follow it up.
Amendment was necessary so that no one could challenge the transfer of land for the memorial later, he said.
He asked why the Chief Minister had not taken action against Raut even 24 hours after the article came out.