"After this particular incident of a woman's rape, two more such incidents have also happened in Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was then the BJP's PM candidate used to call Delhi rape capital after Nirbhaya gang rape case (in 2012). Figures, however, say the incidents of rape in Delhi in November 2014 have risen 15 per cent more than what it was in November 2013.
The party also released a copy of the character certificate purportedly issued by Delhi police to the accused cab driver Shiv Kumar Yadav and wondered that when the police have certified the person, "what is the logic of cancelling transport permit of the cab company."
Congress demanded that the Modi government should act where it has a direct responsibility. He also alleged that the BJP had tried to take political mileage of the Nirbhaya gang rape case.
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Congress MP Kumari Selja said the laws exist, but it is the duty of the government to enforce the law.
"He (the driver) has a history of crime. This also shows that our law has some anomalies which is why such people commit crime even after being jailed.