In a letter to Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat, Congress Uttarakhand president Kishore Upadhaya said, "The BJP has begun its innings by hiking power tariff. It is bound to add to the burden of common people who are already suffering due to rising prices."
"People who gave a massive mandate to the BJP in the recently concluded polls did not expect they will get a 'reward' like this," he said.
"Considering the hardship it will cause to people, the Congress demands that the state government reconsider its decision and roll back immediately the hike in power tariff in the larger interest of the people," he said.
In a separate letter to the Chief Minister, Upadhaya also demanded a total ban on sale and consumption of liquor in the state in view of the public outcry over liquor vends being shifted to residential areas following a court ban on their sale along highways.
"If sale of liquor is encouraged in circumstances like these, it will bring the name of Devbhoomi into disrepute," the Congress leader said.