"Singh, accompanied by CRPF and police personnel had surrounded the residence of senior Congress Minister Rakibul Hussain on March 16 without any prior intimation or notice," APCC Chief Anjan Dutta said in a letter to the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC).
He alleged Singh had stopped the vehicle of Hussain, who was accompanied by his wife and son, when they were coming out of their residence, refused to divulge his identity and forcefully conducted search of the minister's personal vehicle and accompanying security escort vehicles.
The APCC chief also alleged the vehicle in which Singh came had the registration number of a stolen vehicle with an FIR registered with the Basistha police station here.
"The use of such a vehicle by a responsible officer of the Election Commission casts doubt on the search and detention operation of a Cabinet Minister and his family members. It indicates the operation is devoid of credibility and leads to ill motive, bias and illegal action," he added.
The Congress leader alleged that the presence of an officer like Singh was "detrimental to the interest of conducting a free, fair and peaceful election" and he should be called back and his services as Election Expenditure Observer must be withdrawn with immediate effect.