The application by Delhi Congress leader Pratyush Kanth was moved before Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva who asked the politician's lawyer to seek instructions on whether the plea can be disposed of and a representation be filed before the competent authority for initiation of prosecution under the State Emblem of India (Prohibition of Improper Use) Act.
The court said in view of the submission, the allegation made in the main petition by the Congress leader does not exist and suggested that the matter be disposed of.
However, advocate Biji Rajesh, appearing for Kanth, said she needs to take instructions and the court, thereafter, listed the matter for hearing on August 1.
During the hearing, Delhi government counsel Gautam Narayan said there needs to be a police complaint for initiation of prosecution.
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Kanth in his application has sought directions to police to treat his petition as a complaint for initiating prosecution.
It also said that it has instructed all its staff to be on lookout against alleged issuance of any such identity cards by the AAP MLA.
The court on April 8 last year had restrained the MLA from issuing further identity cards carrying the state emblem to party volunteers.
As per Kanth's petition, the ID cards have the designation of the worker written as 'In-charge Anti Corruption' along with his name and address".