"Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has requested the High Court for a CBI probe into the Vyapam scam, including the sudden deaths that are being linked to the scam. The probe will bring out the truth. The matter is closed for BJP after this request," BJP national secretary Shrikant Sharma said.
Attacking the Congress, he said the opposition party is making false and baseless allegations and has now resorted to doing politics on the sudden deaths.
"Congress has failed while making false and baseless allegations ever since the NDA government came to power and is now resorting to politics on the sudden deaths being linked to the scam. The probe will bring out the truth," Sharma said.
The BJP leader said it was Chouhan himself who had ordered a probe in 2013 after he found irregularities in recruitments made, in a bid to bring in transparency in the system.
On the sudden deaths, Sharma said, Congress is now playing "politics of deaths" by trying to link the Vyapam issue with these deaths.
Congress has been attacking Chouhan for the deaths and is linking them to the Vyapam scam, while demanding that there should be a Supreme Court monitored CBI probe.