"The Gujarat Housing Board (GHB) has more than 25 lakh square meters of land in various districts but the board has not constructed even a single housing colony since Modi became chief minister," senior Congress leader Narhari Amin said.
He was talking to reporters after announcing the second of the 12-points party agenda under 'Gujarat People Development Vision-2012'.
"The GHB is defunct and Congress will revive it by constructing three lakh flats every year if elected to power," Amin said, adding the apartments will be constructed in Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat and Rajkot.
The flats will be particularly for those women who are "independent" and do not have their own houses, Amin said.
"The scheme has been divided in three categories of A, B and C. In A category flats would be of 278 sq ft while in B and C categories they will measure up to 543 sq ft and 857 sq ft, respectively," he said.
Amin said the state Congress will gradually release all points on its developmental agenda in the run-up to the elections. Earlier, the party had promised a drastic cut in VAT on diesel and petrol.