WBPCC chief Pradip Bhattachrya said the suspension orders on 10 party leaders and workers, including former MLA Fazle Haq were revoked by the party high command on the recommendations of the PCC and were allowed to fully participate in the party work.
''I had a talk with AICC general secretary Shakeel Ahmed, who is in charge of West Bengal, in this regard ... We have decided to withdraw their suspension orders as they are sincere Congress workers.''
To a question, Bhattacharya alleged that Trinamool Congress despite being an ally are bent upon attacking Congress workers.
He alleged that a concerted move was on to attack district Congress leaders, which, he said, is evident from the arrest of Hooghly district Congress president after the Bandel violence in Hooghly district on August 15.
Condemning the arrest, he urged party workers to stage demonstrations in front of all police stations on August 24.