Speaking to reporters after taking part in 'Mann Ki Baat - Chai Ke Saath' event in Delhi, Goel said at a time when the prime minister was trying to take India forward, the Congress' youth wing was stooping down with its tweets and memes.
"Congress should have condemned it. Politicians should not stoop down as it would be difficult to recover from that level," he said.
The meme was removed soon after it was put out.
And Congress communications incharge Randeep Surjewala has said on Twitter that Congress "strongly disapproves and rejects such humour through memes. Differences on policy and opinion aside, Congress culture imbibes respect for PM and all political opponents."
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"There was no prime minister who had done so much work and initiated so many schemes, which is evident from Moody's rating," Goel said, adding that the saffron party will sweep the Assembly elections in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat.
When the BJP-led government talks about positivity and the prime minister educates people with his 'Mann Ki Baat' programmes, the opposition only engages in negativity, he added.
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