This is the first of its kind, complex surgery and second in any branch of the coveted All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Delhi AIIMS had conducted a similar surgery in 2013.
"It was the coordinated efforts of the doctors, who decided to proceed with such a complex surgery with an utmost confidence keeping the life of these infant boys at top priority. We are happy that it was a huge success," said AIIMS Director Sanjeev Mishra.
The operation lasted for close to 10 hours, as a team of doctors, anaesthetists, nurses and para medics took it up as a challenge, he said.
The operation started at about 10 AM at the paediatric surgery department and after a marathon surgical procedure, the team of the doctors succeeded in separating the boys.
According to the doctors, the infants would remain under close observation for the next two days as that period is very crucial for them considering the possibilities of bleeding and infection.