63-year-old Dhananjayan K G, who hails from Thrissur district in Kerala, fled away with the token amount of Rs 3 crore received from a businessmen for selling his land worth Rs 750 crore.
Sameer Kohli of Kohli Housing & Development Pvt. Ltd filed a complaint in December, 2009 that he was cheated by "Dr Dhananjayan K G" who introduced himself as former Member of Parliament and Office Bearer of 'All India Farmers Association'.
"He also posed as the owner of 300 acres of land in Gurgaon and offered to sell the land. He met with the complainant in a five star hotel and finalised the deal. The complainant agreed to the proposal and on October 28, 2006 paid a token money of Rs 3 crore," S B S Tyagi, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Crime and Railways, said.
After receiving the token amount, he disappeared and remained absconding.
The accused was declared proclaimed offender last year.
Based on a specific input, police arrested Dhananjayan from Dwarka Sector 12 A yesterday and during interrogation he told the police that he came in contact with Kohli through some common friend.
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"He lured him to purchase his so called 300 acres of land in Gurgaon, Haryana, worth Rs 750 crore and received Rs 3 crore as token money against the deal," Tyagi said, adding "due to money crunch, he indulged in cheating to clear his debts".
On sustained interrogation, he falsely claimed to have a Ph.D. (Sociology) from Magadh University, Bihar, and used to introduce himself as Dr. Dhananjayan KG.