Yasser Borhami, a founding member of the main Salafi movement in Egypt, the Salafi Call, said spending time watching the games was "a disaster that makes me very irate." He said it was a distraction from religious and worldly duties, ultimately leading to "the destruction of nations and peoples."
His religious opinion, or edict, which was posted on the group's website in a video yesterday, differed sharply with the conventional wisdom that global sports competitions like the World Cup serve to foster camaraderie and understanding among the nations of the world.
His remarks sparked an outcry, at a time when Egyptians are glued to their televisions into the early morning hours because of the time difference with Brazil.
Asked by a presenter who is an ardent soccer fan on the private Egyptian channel CBC about his edict, Borhami back pedaled, but only slightly. "I just said don't waste your time." He said that his words had been taken out of context by those eager to attack him for political reasons.
That support has cost the group much of its support among its base, particularly the younger conservative Islamists. Incidentally, his latest edict is unlikely to win back any youth support in a country where soccer is the favourite national sport.