Constable Babulal Meena, posted at Anta Police Station of Baran district, was arrested yesterday while he was accepting a bribe of Rs 5,000 to facilitate the release of a man lodged in jail here, ACB, Baran Circle Incharge (CI) Sallauddin Siddique said.
One Mahaveer Meghwal, resident of Bambori village, complained to the Bureau on Saturday that Babulal had demanded Rs 8,000 for release of his brother Ghanshyam from jail. The amount was later settled at Rs 5,000, he said.
The sleuths laid a trap and arrested Meena yesterday from Siswali circle while he was accepting Rs 3,500 as the remianing part of the bribe.
Initial investigation and search into the matter is still going on, Siddique said, adding the constable would be produced before the court today.