"During the visit of the Commission (NCDNT) to the different states and the habitates of these communities large number of grievances about land, housing, drinking water, sanitation, electricity and education, employment, ration card, voter ID, etc have been raised by these communities and the agencies working for them.
"In view of this, it would be appropriate to form a District Level Committee in every district of your state under the chairmanship of District collector which can receive the grievances and attempt to resolve the issues raised by these communities," said a letter written to the Chief Secretaries.
Government has constituted the NCDNT to study the socio economic condition of denotified, nomadic and semi nomadic tribes and evaluate various welfare programmes being implemented by state governments and suggest appropriate measures in respect of these communities for action by the Central government and the state governments.
The Government has been seized of the educational and economic needs of the Denotified Nomadic and Semi-nomadic Tribes (DNTs) who are spread amongst Scheduled Castes, Scheduled-Tribes, Other Backward Classes and others.