A bench of justices S Ravindra Bhat and Deepa Sharma issued the direction after Delhi government told the court that it has created six posts for the purpose of monitoring security arrangement at juvenile homes and to coordinate with Department of Women and Child Development.
The government also told the court that creation of the six posts has received in-principle approval from the Cabinet on September 1 and is before the Lt Governor for his approval.
Delhi Police told the court that it has forwarded to the government names of 21 of its officers who volunteered for the posts, but despite reminders no response has been received.
In response, the Delhi government told the court that the entire proposal is before the LG and added that it needs 10 more officers as it intends to appoint at least five persons per post.
The police on May 15 had told the court that 21 of its officers have agreed to go on deputation to DWCD.
The court had then directed the city government to indicate its response to the police at the earliest and complete the entire exercise of deputing the officers to DWCD in four weeks.