A probe has been ordered by the deputy inspector general (DIG) of Aligarh Range Prakash D into the alleged beating of women at Quarsi police station when they went to protest the arrest of their minor children yesterday, official sources said here today.
"Seven persons, including four minors (two of 13 years, one of 17 years and one of 15 years), were arrested yesterday with stolen goods, including gold in Quarsi of Aligarh", IG, law and order RK Vishwarkma said.
According to the police, the arrested children were used by their families for "stealing cash and jewellery during weddings and other publics functions".
TV footage showed a woman in uniform beating a woman among the protesters outside the police station.
In a similar incident, a girl was slapped by a woman in plainclothes inside a police station in Ghaziabad on May 13 after she picked up by the police along with her boyfriend allegedly in an inebriated condition.