The culprit, identified as Giriraj Jatav (30), had allegedly kidnapped a 13-year-old girl from Banmore area yesterday, but later police caught him in Mathura and rescued the minor, Morena Superintendent of Police Vineet Khanna said today.
The policemen were bringing the accused along with the kidnapped minor girl and her family members from Mathura to Morena last night when Jatav, who was sitting beside the driver, suddenly turned the steering of the jeep, he said.
Sub-inspector Ashok Verma died on the spot in the incident, the SP said.
The injured persons, including three policemen and the jeep driver, were later rescued and admitted in Morena district hospital, he said.
Jatav, who was also injured in the incident, was arrested and a case under section 304 of the IPC was registered against him, the SP said, adding that further investigation was on.