Burhanpur City Superintendent of Police (CSP) B P S Parihar, who appeared as a prosecution witness during hearing in the sedition case filed against the banned SIMI activists, corroborated that Nagori and other activists were arrested from Indore on the intervening night of March 27 and 28 in 2008, government prosecutor Vimal Mishra told reporters.
Parihar was posted as the incharge of Pithampur police station in Dhar district and had also probed the case lodged against the SIMI activists.
The officer said that the subject matter of the literature seized from the accused appeared to be "anti- national", Mishra said without divulging more details.
The accused have been charged with waging a war against the state, sedition, among other sections of the Indian Penal Code.
Those who appeared before the court included Nagori, Aamil, Quamruddin, Shahduli, Ansar, Kamran, Ahmad Baig and Yaseen.
Security inside and around the court was tightened in view of the hearing in the case.
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