The incident took place on Friday when the constable Ganesh Ukade, attached with Nashik city police station here, along with his two accomplices, intercepted a car of a Kolhapur-based jeweller in Mohadari Ghat area on Nashik-Pune road near Sinnar taluka, they said.
The trader, Rajendra Patil and his son Manish were on their way to Sinnar, when the trio, impersonating crime branch officials, stopped the car and fled away withRs 1 lakh from their car, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Nashik, Sanjay Darade told reporters here last evening.
The trader managed to jot the number of the motorcycle of the accused, and later lodged a complaint with the Sinnar police.
During investigation, police traced the owner of the bike and found that it belonged to Ukade. Later, he and two of his friends, identified as Mahesh Ugale and Dinkar Dheringe, were arrested.
Police has recovered Rs 96,000 from them and impounded the two-wheeler, the DSP said.
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