The Pune police on Tuesday asked the Bombay High Court to direct civil liberties activists Gautam Navlakha and Anand Teltumbde, accused of Maoist links, to remain present when the court passes an order on their pre-arrest bail pleas.
Justice P D Naik on Tuesday concluded hearing arguments into the activists' anticipatory bail applications.
Special public prosecutor Aruna Kamat Pai filed two applications seeking the court to direct both the applicants to remain present before it when the court passes its order.
"Both accused have been till now been given protection from arrest. On the day of passing the order, they should be asked to remain present," Pai said.
Lawyers of Navlakha and Teltumbde opposed this application and said they would argue on the issue on Wednesday.
Navlakha, Teltumbde and several other activists have been booked by Pune police for their involvement in Koregaon Bhima violence case that took place between December 31, 2017 and January 1, 2018.
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They are also accused of being active members of the proscribed Communist Party of India (Maoist).
Teltumbde and Navlakha approached HC for pre arrest bail after a sessions court in Pune rejected their pleas.
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