Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan Tuesday warned police personnel that they would face strict action, including dismissal from service, if they torture prisoners and illegally keep people in custody.
Vijayan's stern warning comes days after the death of Raj Kumar, a 49-year-old remand prisoner, who was taken into custody in connection with a financial fraud case last month and was allegedly tortured in custody leading to his death in a sub-jail in Idukki district, triggering outrage.
Addressing senior police officers here, Vijayan said "custodial torture and keeping people illegally in custody cannot be allowed.
Police officials indulging in such misdeeds will face stern action and will be dismissed from service," a press release quoting the chief minister said.
During the floods last year, the services of the policemen had come in for praise from the public.
The "minor lapses" on the part of a section of policemen has caused disapproval among people. That should be rectified, he said.
To streamline the activities of the police, district police chiefs should take special interest and they should lead the policemen "more fruitfully."