Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawanton Wednesday clarified that no tweet has been posted by his office on closure of educational institutions in the state in view of the coronavirus scare.The Chief Minister's Office (CMO) posted a screenshot of the 'fake' tweet, attributed to Sawant's personal Twitter account, about the education department directing for closure of all schools and colleges in the coastal state."A fake screenshot of Honble CMs tweet is circulating on social media. No such tweet has been made by the CM. Screenshots may be cross-checked with official Twitter & Facebook profiles of the CM and CMO for their authenticity before being forwarded," the CMO said in a tweet.So far, there has been no positive case of coronavirus in Goa.A 27-year-old man from Goa, who travelled to Italy and Finland last month and came in contact with a coronavirus patient, has been kept at an isolation ward of a state-run hospital here after he complained of cough and fever, Health Minister Vishwajit Rane said on Wednesday.Earlier, samples of two foreign travellers who were kept under observation at GMCH for suspected novel coronavirus infection tested negative on Monday evening. They were subsequently discharged from the medical facility.The state health department has kept 19 patients under home observation, as per the latest official information.The Mormugao Port Trust in Goa has banned the entry of cruise vessels till March 31 in view of the novel coronavirus threat, a senior official earlier said.