Union Minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday held an audio conference with officials of the three ministries under him and told them to "stay happy" and "engaged" during the 21-day lockdown period.
Javadekar holds the portfolios of information and broadcasting minister, environment minister and heavy industries public enterprises minister.
"Interacted with 400 officers of my 3 ministries - @moefcc @MIB_India & @heindustry - together through Audio Bridge.Told them to 'stay positive' 'stay home' 'stay engaged' and 'stay happy'. To that end I suggested many activities also. #21DaysChallenge #IndiaFightsCorona," he tweeted.
In another tweet, he said he has has asked them to prepare a work list of all officers in the ensuing 20 days.
"I am sure that in 20 days meaningful work will be accomplished in all 3 ministries. #21DaysChallenge #IndiaFightsCorona #StayHomeStaySafe," he said in another tweet.
Meanwhile, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) advised officials of information and broadcasting ministry to be available "round the clock".
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"Stressing that media and communication is an essential service in this time of crisis due to #Covid19India, the Minister advised officers of I&B Ministry to be available around the clock & work even harder than usual to bring correct and authentic information to the masses," the PIB tweeted.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced a complete lockdown across the country for 21 days asserting that social distancing is the only way out for the country in its decisive battle against the coronavirus.