"Preparations for the launch of GSLV-D5, which is slated to be placed in orbit on GSAT-14, an advanced communication satellite, is progressing well. The countdown will begin at 11.50 AM and the launch is scheduled at 4.30 PM on August 19," he told reporters at Chennai airport en route to Sriharikota.
The launch time had earlier been fixed at 4.50 PM for the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) D-5 from the second launch pad of Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, about 90 km from here in Andhra Pradesh.
After the unsuccessful launch in April 2010, the failure analysis committee had concluded that the thrust build up did not progress as expected due to non-availability of liquid hydrogen supply to the thrust chamber of the main engine.
This failure was attributed to anomalous stopping of Fuel Booster Turbo Pump (FBTP).
In the last three years, ISRO conducted extensive failure analysis studies and reviews. Cryo stage FBTP was modified as per GSLV-D3 failure analysis committee recommendations and qualification tests carried out.