Thakur, a BJP leader from Bihar, at a press conference said the first such event will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 22 at Vigyan Bhawan here.
The golden jubilee of Dinkar's works 'Sanskriti ke Chaar Adhyaye' and 'Parshuram ki Pratiksha' will be celebrated at these events. Special events would be held at Begusarai, Muzaffarpur, Bhagalpur and Patna - places associated with Dinkar.
The BJP leader also called for setting up of an institute named after 'Dinkar' for promoting Hindi language.
Even after six decades of independence, Hindi has not been accorded status of a "language of knowledge and science". Use of English language is preferred in Parliament, debates and in courts, he said.
Literary persons and scholars from across the country will be in attendance at these events, he said.