Iraqi-born journalist Hajar Hamalaw wanted to name his child after Julian Assange's whistle-blowing website as it had "changed the world", according to the Passauer Neue Presse.
However, 28-year-old Hamalaw failed in his attempt to register the name of the baby who was born on March 14.
Hamalaw has been living in the German city of Passau for the past eight months, 'The Local' reported.
"The (Wikileak) revelations caused a great stir worldwide, especially the ones about Iraq, where we come from," Hamalaw said.
The decision by the registry office was based on legal rulings which state a child's name should not be granted if it could endanger their welfare, a spokesperson for the town said.
Hamalaw has now decided to call his son Dako on the birth certificate instead, the report said.