Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) Virender Bhat freed the man, who was accused of abducting the girl, forcibly marrying and raping her in November 2011, on the ground that she was a "willing party" in eloping with him.
"In view of the nature of various statements of the girl and considering her conduct during this whole episode, the testimony given by her before this court not only seems to be improbable but also does not inspire any confidence at all.
The ASJ also held, "there are material contradictions in her testimony before this court and her previous statements given to police as well as to the magistrate and I consider it disastrous to place any reliance upon her testimony."
The court also rejected the contention of the police that the girl was 15-year-old at the time of the incident and even if she had eloped with the accused of her own free will, her consent was not valid as she was a minor and the man should be held guilty for the offence of abduction and rape.
According to police, the accused had kidnapped the girl when she had gone to market in Dabri on November 24, 2011 and after marrying her, he had taken her to Gujarat where he raped her.
When the accused came to know that a case has been registered against him, he along with the girl went to a police station here and was arrested on December 1, 2011.