The special fast track court freed Delhi resident Rupesh Kumar who was arrested on a complaint by his estranged wife alleging that he had obtained divorce by "playing fraud" on her and repeatedly raped her by keeping her in his house.
"It is held that the prosecution has failed to prove its case against accused Rupesh Kumar beyond any reasonable suspicion or shadow of doubt that the accused detained his wife after taking divorce from her and thereafter, continued to have sexual intercourse with her and thereby committed repeated rape on her or he threatened her not to disclose the fact of rape to anybody else least he would kill her younger brother," Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) T R Naval said.
The police alleged that despite getting divorce, Kumar kept the woman in his house and raped her and also threatened to kill her and her brother in case she disclosed the facts of divorce to anyone.
In June 2007, the woman became seriously ill and went to her parent's house and disclosed all the facts to her brother and mother after which a case was lodged and Kumar was arrested.
Kumar told the court that the woman had filed a false case against him as she wanted to extort Rs five lakh from him.