Additional Sessions Judge Illa Rawat absolved UP native Arvind Kumar of the charges of kidnapping and raping the girl while saying "her testimony alone cannot be relied upon to convict Kumar especially in view of the report given by a medical board that she was suffering from mental retardation and seizure disorder."
The court, while acquitting Kumar, said that the girl's family members also did not depose the details of what the child had explained to them about her alleged kidnapping and rape.
"At the time of recovery, the victim child was playing with other children between the cluster of shanties and the shanty of the accused was also a part of the cluster.
"Nothing has been placed on record by the investigating officer which would lead to conclusion that the jhuggi in which the accused was residing was in his exclusive possession," it said, while adding "there is no person who saw Kumar taking away the victim child".
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According to the prosecution, on February 16, 2011 the girl went missing from her residence in Delhi, after which her father lodged a police complaint.
A week later, the police, on a tip-off, found the girl in a village in UP and arrested Kumar, on the basis of statements of the village head and the victim's parents, it said.
Charges for the offences under sections 363 (kidnapping), 365(kidnapping with intent to wrongfully confine a person), 366A(procuration of minor girl) and 376 (2)(f)(rape of a girl below the age of 12 years) of the IPC were framed against Kumar.