Additional Sessions Judge Sanjeev Jain let off the man, a south Delhi resident, after noting that the girl, who was the main witness, did not support the case and thus there was no purpose in proceeding with the other witnesses.
"Considering the testimony of PW 1 (girl), who has categorically stated that she was never kidnapped nor was compelled to marry with the accused nor the accused forced her for illicit intercourse, I am of the view that prosecution case is not proved against the accused under section 366 (kidnapping woman for compelling her for marriage), 376 (rape) IPC," the judge said.
According to the prosecution, the girl had earlier told in her complaint that in April 2011, the accused kidnapped her and took her to his room and raped her.
She claimed that she was kept locked in his room and the accused forced her to give her consent for marriage by threatening to kill her family.
Charges were framed against the accused for offence punishable under section 366 and 376 of IPC to which he pleaded not guilty and claimed trial.