The Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, presided by Manish Gupta directed Bharti Axa General Insurance Company Ltd, the insurer of the offending vehicle, to pay a compensation of Rs 17,08,900 to the family of Kosar, a Muzaffarnagar native.
"From the overall facts and circumstances and evidence on record it is clear that the accident in question occurred due to rash and negligent driving of the offending vehicle which caused death of Kosar. The present issue is disposed off accordingly in favour of petitioners," the MACT judge said.
The offending vehicle which was going ahead of Kosar's truck suddenly applied brakes, without any indication, resulting in collision and death of Kosar.
"Since no evidence has been led on behalf of respondents (vehicle driver and owner), the liability to pay the entire award amount to petitioners is of insurance company," the tribunal said.
The tribunal awarded the compensation of Rs 17,08,900 to the family of Kosar, comprising his wife, four minor children and his father, after considering the loss and care for the minor children, loss of dependency and other factors.