Special CBI Judge Vinod Kumar convicted Anand Kumar Kapur, former Major General, south western command, Jaipur, and fixed the matter for tomorrow for hearing arguments on quantum of sentence.
The court, however, acquitted his wife Mridula Kapur of the charges of abetting the offence of acquisition of the illegal assets.
The FIR was lodged by CBI on October 8, 2007 and searches were carried out in Anand's Sainik farms house and other places on October 10, 2007.
His wife had allegedly actively abetted him in acquisition of huge assets, it alleged.
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The CBI had claimed that assets, including movable and immovable property, worth Rs 5.51 crore were found in the posession of Anand and his family out of which the source of Rs 3.86 crore could not explained by him.
Both the accused, however, had denied the allegations levelled against them.