Additional Sessions Judge Madhu Jain convicted Bihar native Pintu Kumar for kidnapping the girl saying a minor's "consent is no consent in the eyes of law."
"The victim was less than 18 years of age on the date of offence and therefore her consent is of no value. Defence taken by the accused that prosecutrix herself went with him is of no consequence. Consent of minor is no consent in the eyes of law.
"Prosecution has been fully able to prove its case under sections 363 and 366 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) against the accused," said the judge, convicting the accused.
The prosecution case dated back to October 28, 2009 when the victim's father had lodged a complaint with Govindpuri police station in South Delhi that his daughter has gone missing.
He had told police that he suspected Kumar of kidnapping his daughter, the prosecution said adding the police later recovered the girl from Kumar's custody and arrested him.
Kumar had argued that the girl had accompanied him willingly and told the court that she is more than 18 years.