Arrested also for his alleged role in the Geetika Sharma suicide case, Gopal Kanda's custody was extended by two weeks by Metropolitan Magistrate (MM) Jasjeet Kaur in the case related to the avoidance of court proceedings in the 14-year-old cheque bounce case.
His custody was extended after he was produced before MM Kaur after expiry of his judicial custody in the case for avoiding court proceedings.
Kanda's brother Gobind had earlier been granted interim bail in the case till October 10 by District Judge (DJ) H S Sharma on a personal bond of Rs 10,000 with a surety of the like amount.
The case against Kanda brothers for evading the court was recently lodged by the Delhi police on a court's direction.
In May this year, they had been declared proclaimed offenders in the cheque bounce case which they had settled last month in an out-of-court agreement.
The police had registered the case against Kanda brothers under section 174 A (punishment for non-appearance in response to court proclamation) of the IPC which entails a jail term up to three years.
The court, while directing the police to lodge the case against Kandas, had said evading court summons and warrants is different from cheque bounce case and acquittal in one case does not absolve anyone of the second offence. (More)